Meet the Cast

Creator - Author - DM


Greetings, fellow adventurers! Growing up as an only child, my journey into storytelling took a delightful turn when I discovered my kindred spirit, my cousin, and best friend, Mariah. From mischievous childhood escapades to weaving intricate narratives, our bond transformed into a creative odyssey that has spanned over a decade and a half.

Our shared adventures began with innocent make-believe games, evolving into a dynamic MMORPG that we crafted and navigated together. As we grew, so did our stories, blossoming into captivating short tales and a grand vision for a literary universe.

Driven by the burning desire to share our stories with the world, Mariah and I embarked on the ambitious journey of building a universe that transcends the pages of our co-authored books. This commitment has shaped my experiences, dictating the books I read, the games I play, and the company I keep. Writing and publishing have become integral parts of my identity, influencing every aspect of my life over the past decade.

As we venture forth, I look forward to weaving tales that resonate with your hearts and minds. May our universe continue to captivate and inspire for years to come! Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary adventure!

Creator - Author


I am the oldest of five children, navigating the journey of life primarily under the guidance of a single mother. My love for romance novels, inherited from my book-loving grandmother, and the thrill of wild adventures during our family's camping trips, shaped my passion for storytelling and exploration. Alongside my cousin and best friend, Brandon, whose creative world-building skills and insightful nature complemented mine, we conjured a fantastical realm. In our youth, we ran freely, casting powerful spells and imagining Earth's heroes, laying the foundation for a complex and astounding universe. Together, we pledged to share our tales with the world, and now, that promise is a reality.

Now an active-duty soldier for over five years, my military journey has taken me across the United States and overseas. Despite the challenges of distance and time zones, my friend and I persist in bringing our creative visions to life. What began as a dream to write a book series has evolved into a diverse array of projects, fueled by our unique and shared passions.

My mission extends beyond merely publishing books or scripting comics. Inspired by the profound emotions elicited by my favorite anime and novels, I aspire to evoke those same heart-wrenching feelings in my audience. I want readers to experience a whirlwind of emotions—anger and love intertwined—and to carry the imprint of our stories long after they've turned the last page. Join me on this journey as we delve into captivating worlds and leave an indelible mark on the hearts of those who embark with us.

Playing as Rune Shadeweaver


Ayo my name is Autumn I always gottem, I’m never on the bottom. Anyway bulbasaur is #1 in the Pokédex #1 in my heart. I enjoy cozy games and my favorite aspect of dnd is the snacks. Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs.

Playing as Bloorinn Bjornuror


ERROR 404: The cast member bio you’re looking for couldn’t be found.

Kidding! Hi there, my name is Chelsey, and I play Bloorinn Bjornuror, a reserved, yet curious and compassionate created Vampire.

To tell a bit about myself, I’m happily married to my best friend with whom I raise our 5 pet children (3 cats and 2 dogs). I’ve been with my husband for a little over 11 years and married a little over a year, and looking forward to many more!

My first experience with tabletop role playing games happened in 8th grade when our class was given the option to leave for a field trip or stay and entertain ourselves for one of the last day of classes. After making the choice to stay, I found myself gathered around a table of my classmates and a character sheet in front of me for an Ewok, and being informed we were about to play a Star Wars themed one shot. My first experience playing TTRPGs couldn’t have gone better and it’s still a memory I look back on fondly.

I actually only began playing Dungeons and Dragons about 10 years later, around the same time as Tara since we joined the same group together for a campaign. Having known Tara and been friends since middle school, I was eager to join in on the game. While D&D was much different from the previous experience I had, I enjoyed it even more, being able to create unique characters and interact in a world created completely from the mind of a friend.

After a year or so of playing with Tara and the group, we were invited to travel to Florida where our mutual friend, Brandon, was hosting a week long immersive D&D role playing game. Tara, Brandon, and I have all been friends since middle school, so it really felt like all the pieces were falling into place.

The trip to Florida was wonderful and Brandon made the D&D game feel like magic. Leaving after the week’s adventure, I could tell the trip sparked something inside all of us, and bonded us more than before.

The spark we all felt really caught fire inside of Brandon, and having already been working on his book series with Mariah they decided that a D&D style campaign designed especially for Guardians of the Seeds was exactly what they’d been looking for to bring their universe to life. From the moment Brandon mentioned the campaign I was ready.

Brandon has worked so hard to make this campaign a reality, and I couldn’t be more excited to share in this experience; with him, with my cast mates, and soon with you, my fellow seedlings! See you on Arfynium !

Playing as quint


I am Cookie, in fact I am one of many Cookie’s, but I am by far the worst, more on that
later. You may be asking yourself, “Why is this person who is clearly not named Cookie, saying his name is Cookie?”. Clever you and well spotted! There are two core reasons why I’m called Cookie. The main reason is my last name is Cooke, The “e” is silent but through a slip-up during a 3rd grade roll call and my friends determination, Cookie stuck. The second reason why is my given name is Eric and as we all know Eric’s are the worst. I know as an absolute fact all Eric’s agree on this.

To date I have been sober for two years and vegan for longer. Also I recently quit nicotine and caffeine. This means I am the worst if you are trying to plan a first date with but I
have been married for 7 years so that really doesn't matter anyway.

Currently in trade for money I create experiential events at theme parks and zoos across the country and I make Stage Magic for stage and television. This has earned me 4 trophies from Penn and Teller’s Fool Us, more skymiles than I can use before they expire and Platinum Membership Status at Hilton Hotels. I'm not sure what the Platinum Member Status gets you in the real world, maybe late checkout? But I assume it is primarily used to brag about while writing bios.

Dungeon and Dragons has been a huge part of my life since about 2011 and became
the main vehicle my friends and I would tell each other stories. Of course this wasn’t the only nerdom that occupied my 20’s but seems to be the one that stuck around.

Quick facts time. I love my toy Poodles and Kitten, I am an avid reader since I discover
young people will give you pizza for reading books, I oil paint portraits, If food isn’t spicy I don't understand the point of it, When I get bored I will paint murals on the walls of my wife in my home or create full immersive themed areas in the house or on the property, My wifes name is Angie, I am shockingly short, I have kick started 50+ Board Games, I am a member of 3 book clubs and all the other things about me I’m currently forgetting.

playing as alastor


Hello there! My name is currently Justin, but that may not always be the case, and I’d like to welcome you to the help scape that is my bio. Before we proceed any further you’ll have to sit down, fasten your seatbelt, and keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times while the ride is in motion. Enjoy!

We should start this ride by addressing the elephant in the room some of you keen eyed folks may have noticed.


No, not that elephant… His name is Tim, but this isn’t his bio, it’s mine, we will speak no more of Tim, so say farewell for now. The elephant I was originally referring to was that my name may not always be Justin. If you were wondering about that you’re probably a curious soul, or you too like me are a Justin. If you are a Justin I’m sorry to let you know that one day I’ll be handing in my resignation and renouncing my title as Justin. You’re probably wondering why I would do such a thing, the short answer is other names are just cooler and I just haven’t settled on one yet.

Moving on to more important things, the most important things to me, I have three cats! Technically I have two but I’ll explain in a moment. My oldest cat is named Nimbus, he’s an orange tabby who is currently living his best life with my grandparents. He’s around 9 or 10 years old and he got his name from the flying nimbus while watching original dragon ball with me when we got him.Then there’s Bandit, she does not understand the concept of personal space or boundaries until the space or boundary applies to her. She got her name from repeatedly stealing my hair pin from my hair without me noticing. Then there’s Kai… he’s a silly lil guy, a rapscallion. He was named by someone else, though I may change his full name to be something like kaiju because he’s a monster.

Ok, onto the less important things. The things about me. I have a lot of hobbies and interests, so many that I cannot list them all because I can’t remember them all. So here’s a short list of the ones that come to mind. I like eating good food, doing random things with friends, going on adventures and doing stupid things that make for good stories in the future but when you look back at it it makes you question both your sanity and your intelligence. I also love playing games with friends, ttrpgs are at the top of that list, and I like making the people I care about happy.

I could go on another tangent but I’m getting tired of typing and I’m afraid if I continue I’ll have the longest bio, so if you want to know anymore about me you’ll have to watch GotS to see me in action. That’s the end of the ride, you can now undo your seatbelts and exit the vehicle by continuing to scroll up or down the page to another persons bio. See ya later!

Playing as ivia


I've stared at the screen trying to find the words for a couple of days now, trying to find words that seem likeable and interesting. Instead, I'll give you words from the heart.

My name is Kayla, but in the world of Guardians of the Seeds, you'll come to know me as Ivia, the elf nypmh.

As Kayla, I have enjoyed many paths but never one that felt like my place in the world. I have had many hobbies but mastered none. I can do a little of a lot, but not a lot of one thing.

I spent a decade in retail management working as early as 15 years old. I have studied photojournalism at WKU and psychology at a local college, though a degree was not for me due to a medical leave from school. I have taken business, marketing, and art classes on the side since. Some of the little I have enjoyed is baking, painting, working on cars, reading, writing, and learning any new skill that takes my interest.

Now, to the part of feeling like my place in the world. I would read books to escape the chains that bound my body by limitations so my mind could feel like it was taking part in life. In 2022 I started playing Dungeons & Dragons, and felt pure joy. Joy that escapes me most days. In this joy, I found the love for D&D. The love of playing those characters I would read about.

Lastly, I get to spread my love for the game and the likes through Ivia, the nymph. I get to give a piece of what grounded me and made me feel like a normal person among my peers so maybe others facing the same things I once was, can too find a place they find joy.

Come take an adventure with us!

Playing as Lusiar


Robbie's fingers dance on the strings of his guitar, creating electrifying tunes that echo through the underground scene. The stage is his battlefield, and the crowd, his captive audience. Yet, when the amps are unplugged, and the adrenaline of the performance fades, Robbie's other passions come to life.

Flesh & Blood, a card game of cunning and skill, draws Robbie into a world where every move is a calculated step toward victory. The clinking of cards and the strategic hum of gameplay create a symphony of competition that resonates in his soul. It's not just a game; it's a clash of wits and a test of mettle, where friendships are forged and tested in the pursuit of glory.

Long before the spotlight found him, Robbie delved into the fantastical realm of Dungeons & Dragons. Days and nights filled with rolling dice, weaving tales of daring quests, and bonding with a fellowship of kindred spirits were the inspiration behind pursuing this wonderful journey throughout his life.

All of which, has brought him here, to his next test of courage, might, and cunning: Guardians of the Seeds, a story waiting to be explored.

Playing as Rei Shadeweaver


Hey Seedlings!
I met Brandon and Mariah in the 7th grade, 18 years ago. I have been fortunate enough to watch their stories unfold both in their real lives, and in the universe they’ve created together. Over the span of almost two decades, distance, and timing, I’ve gotten to experience the GoTS universe in many forms, including the story, the MMORPG online (where I played an ice witch named Lilith), and most recently, through a series of dungeon and dragons one shots that took place on Arfynium.

D&D has been a passion of mine for 6 years now; in fact, it’s how I met my husband! Mariah called and asked me one day if I would be interested in learning to play and took me with her to his apartment and I’ve never looked back. D&D has always been a form of therapy for me. Creating and playing characters is an outlet to express parts of myself that I may not always get to in day to day life and to heal wounds as I can grow alongside my characters who always contain a part of me. Rei is no exception.

Building Rei Shadeweaver has been one of the most healing and fulfilling things I have ever done. She has taught me to love parts of myself I thought no one could, to see what I imagined as weaknesses instead as strengths, and to accept that I could be multifaceted. Soft, and strong. Kind, and powerful. Intelligent, and trustingly naive. Bold, and insecure. I cannot wait to bring her to life in the GoTS D&D campaign!

My number one passion in life though, always has been and always will be music. Music is the blood in my veins. Over the years, I have developed craft as a singer songwriter, producer, and sound engineer, and I’m beyond proud to have built the entire sound library for all Guardians of the Seeds projects! Being the sole music creator has been the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I have ever done, and I can’t wait for seedlings to experience every wave of emotion as they hear character theme songs, battle music, nighttime monologues, and any other of the infinite sounds created for this team. My hope is that you too, find the multifaceted parts of yourself with each chord