Guardians of the Seeds originated as an imaginative game played by two childhood friends, who assumed the roles of a witch and a vampire defending the world from the evil within it's shadows. What began as a fantastic game for 10-year-olds has gracefully transformed over two decades into a captivating magical universe, poised for exploration.

The forthcoming book series will introduce Blaine and Marcella, cousins destined to unravel the secrets of a realm once concealed from them. However, our current journey embarks 1,000 years in the past, on a remote planet during an era when magical worlds were just beginning to discover one another.

Guardians of the Seeds and its co-creators take great joy in unveiling the captivating world of Arfynium through an exhilarating TTRPG (Tabletop Role-Playing Game), skillfully crafted to showcase the marvels of a world that is now nothing but a fleeting memory.

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